Below are several clients that have successfully implemented the Bio-Sleeve system.
Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia
The Adelaide Convention Centre has 4 trough and 73 wall hung urinals installed across the Centre. The wall hung urinals were flushing approximately 3,200 litres of water per day which equated to approximately 1.1 million litres per year. We decided to investigate ways to reduce the water use in our toilet systems and after a successful3 month trial of the Heaven Fresh Australia Bio-Sleeve System have implemented this throughout the Centre. Over the six months that we have been using the Heaven Fresh Australia Bio- Sleeve System the system has assisted us in reducing our water consumption, eliminating odours, reducing blockages and maintenance costs. Heaven FreshAustralia has promptly and efficiently addressed any questions or concerns that we have had over this period and we are looking forward to a long association with them and the Bio-Sleeve System.
Adelaide Convention Centre, May 2008
Hindmarsh Plumbing Services, South Australia
Eastem suburb shopping centre at present has 11 urinals comprising of 10 wall hung urinals and 1 trough urinal. At present each urinal flushed on average every 5 minutes over a 10 hour time period uses 1,320 litres of water a day or 481,800 litres of water per urinal per year. Urinals in this shopping centre at present use 5,299,800 litres of water per year. With the Bio- Sleeve fitted each urinal flushed 6 times a day will uee 36 lites of water per day or 13,140 litres of water per urinal per year. Urinals in this shopping centre in future will use 144,540 fitres per year with Bio-sleeves fitted, that’s a saving of 5,155,260 litres per year or $4,742.83 per year (@ 0.92 cents per Kilolitre). Food manufacturing plant at present has 8 urinals using sensor flushes, at present each urinal is flushed every 10 minutes over a 12 hour time period using 504 litres of water a day or 183,960 litres of water per urinal per year. Urinals in this food manufacturing plant use 1,471,080 litres per year. With the Bio-sleeve fitted each urinal flushed 6 litres a day will use 36 litres of water per day or 13,140 litres of water per urinal per year. Urinals in this food manufacturing plant will in future use 105,120 litres of water per year with Bio.Sleeves fitted, thats a saving of 1,366,560 litres per year or $1257.23 (@ 0.92 cents per Kilolitre). Please notice the client wanted an alternative to sensor flushes, when people entered the toilet area the urinals would go off regardless, the workings out given were therefore given as a conservative estimate. Eastern suburbs prlvate schools boarding house at present has 7 wall hung urinals. At present each urinal is flushed on average every 30 minutes over a 16 hour time period this uses 352 litres per day or 128,480 litres per year per urinal. Urinals in the boarding house at present use 899,360 litres per year. With the Bio.sleeve fttted each urinal flushing 4 times a day will use 24 litres of water per day or 8,760 litres of water per urinal per year. The urinals in the boarding house with Bio-Sleeves fltted will use 61,320 litres per year, thats a saving of 838,040 litres of water per year or $770.99 ( @ 0.92 cents per Kilolitre). These figures are taken from water audits performed by Hindmarsh Plumbing Services, Adelaide, South Australia
Kind regards
Damien Bristow, Froject Manager Northern Division
Public Transport Authority, Western Australia
We have implemented the HEAVEN FRESH system in one of our urinal toilet blocks. We were having problems with bad smells coming from the drain and Frank was very helpful in resolving this problem. The system has proved to save water and reduce smells considerably and requires very little maintenance. We have now installed a second system and if successful, it is our intention to install the Heaven Fresh system to all urinals in the Public Transport Centre.